Women’s Program

Women in rural Senegal are responsible for up to 12 people in their compound, which includes extended family. In 2021, 30% of women aged 20–24 years old were married before age 18. Women walk on average 3.5 miles per day for food, including hours of grinding wheat and grain using mortar and pestle. These weighty responsibilities and young age, combined with little access to health coaching, depletes women physically. Our Women’s Program provides a 3-prong holistic approach to women’s physical, social, and spiritual circumstances.


The current focus is literacy class efforts but is expanding into other education surrounding health. We teach women about healthy behavior practices to protect themselves and their families from disease.


2024 is centered around fostering societal dialogues and community with practical activities. It is focusing on building relationships and trust with one another.


The current gatherings include prayer and time in community to disciple one another. Because there is a wide age range of attendees, women also have the chance to mentor and be mentored.

“Women’s programs allow my daughter and I to build our confidence but also open opportunities to help our families and village.”

  • Khady Diouf